Monday, October 01, 2007

Watching Bulls & Riding Horses!

Sorry for the delay in has just been really busy!

Friday night we went to the bull riding.... we didn't actually ride the bulls, but we watched the PBR (professional Bull Riders) competition which took place in the Charlottetown Civic Centre. It was pretty neat to watch.

I spent Saturday cutting out wood. My sister Amanda and I are going in a couple Christmas Craft fairs again this year, so I spent the day cutting out and staining Raindeer... not super exciting!

Then on Saturday night, Corey took part in the "Race for Hope" at the CDPEC.
It was a really cool fundraiser.

If you've ever watched harness racing, you'll know that the driver sits on something that looks like a small wagon with only a one seat, and is pulled by a horse....Well, for this fundraiser, the "drivers" were Transplant Recipients and the "horses" were celebraties. Corey and Gerard Murphy (another radio guy) were horses! was so fun to watch!

Here is a video of their first race.... Team Ocean came in third.


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