May Birthday's
Birthdays...birthdays...and more birthdays!
It seems like we ate cake for the entire month of May!
Happy Birthday to Cec, Erica, Ezabella, Tristan andTrystan
and Happy Anniversary to Adam and Ivy
This past Friday we traveled to Moncton to visit with our youngest nephew Julien and celebrate our oldest nephew Tristan's 11th birthday. Here are some pics from the party at Crystal Palace.
Here is Tristan with his Birthday brownie... and catching win tokens in "The Blower"
Grammy and Grampy on the "Rollercoaster" with Penelope and Emma
Ezabella enjoying the "Fly High" ride
This is my fav pic! Cec is having the time of her life...but Ava doesn't look too impressed with the "Star Jumper" ride

Even Corey tried out the "Rollercoaster"...he diffently looks more affraid then fearless, handsfree Emma!