Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween Night

Halloween was a fun night...Corey was working and I stayed home and gave out candy and chips to over 50 kids!
The Ables decided to be bugs for Halloween
Penelope is a butterfly:
Ezabella is the Lady Bug
and Mommie is the bug catcher!!!
Dad and Ceciley are pumpkins...
They were missing Florida, so they decided to
have a "Surfer Dude/Life guard" for a scare-crow
One Way to the Ocean 100.3


Here are some pictures from the
Halloween Party that the girls went
to on Friday...aren't they beautiful!
Ezabella as the Princess!
Penelopy as Tinkerbell!

Friday, October 27, 2006



The east side of the Carrizo plain, in the Temblor Range, about 50 miles due west of Bakersfield , California Photo taken by Barbara Mathews on May 14. 2005
Nothing man can do could ever equal the glory of God's creations.
My Boss forwarded this to me...and I just thought it was so beautiful that I should share it with you all!
Our God is SO amazing!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

New Adventures

Sorry…I know it’s been a couple weeks since I updated the blog… but I’ve been busy! Work at the Cancer Society has been great! We have had an incredible response to our campaign!

I finish at the Cancer Society on Nov 10, and I immediately start a new adventure, with a new job with the Provincial Government. I know I’ve been saying how much I’ve been looking forward to taking some time off…but this opportunity arose, and I just couldn’t turn it down!

I applied for a gov job last Feb, and I was told that I was the #2 candidate. My resume was kept on record, and couple weeks ago I was called up and offered a job as Communication Officer for Infrastructure and Planning under the department of Community and Cultural Affairs…. I was shocked, I hadn’t applied for the job, but it seemed too good to pass on. So as soon as I finish at the Cancer Society, I start a 5-month (with the very likely possibility of becoming permit) full time position with the provincial gov! I’m very excited!

Please keep Corey and I in your prayers, and starting new adventure is as nerve racking as it is exciting! I know that God does not challenge us any more than we can handle....and I really feel that God has given me this new opportunity, and that he will use this job to strengthen and challenge me in new ways!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Penelope!!!

more Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving with the Kenny's and Ables and Tremere's!

Jason & Monique's Wedding

Here are some pictures from the wedding in NB.
The Newlyweds!!!

Here is me and my sweetie!

The full Tremere clan: Corey, Me, Winston, Judy, Taylor, Monique, Jason, Jayne, Jordan and Stephanie.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006



This picture is just too cute not to share! It is my niece Ceciley, she is 5 months old, and she is the cutest little pumpkin!

Wedding/Thanksgiving Weekend

What a weekend! Wedding, Thanksgiving, more wedding…it was extremely fast!

We left on Friday for Moncton. We ate at Ponderosa (I love the Ponderosa). We then went back to Jason’s house for an evening of fun and laughter. Saturday morning we went out for Breakfast and headed towards northern NB to Monique’s sister’s B&B. It was a lovely little place, right on the water in St. Louis de Kent.

Saturday night was the wedding. It took place at Monique’s families cottage. It was a beautiful location, right on the water, way back in the woods. (Sorry I don’t have any pictures yet, but I’ll try to put some up soon.) After the wedding we went back to the B&B and played cards with Jayne and Jordan.

Sunday we had breakfast with the newlyweds, they opened presents, and then Corey, Stephanie and I headed back to PEI.

Corey and I then went to my parents house for Thanksgiving Dinner with Mom, Dad, Amanda, Justin and the girls. It was an amazing meal, fit for a king! We even got to take some turkey home for sandwiches this week….man I love Thanksgiving!

Then Monday we celebrated the wedding again, with an open house reception here on PEI. Then I went out to South Pinette for a work presentation…. Busy, busy, busy…

Now we are back to work for the week, and looking forward to when Friday will finally arrive!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Take the Time

Okay, so I'm sorry I haven't posted lately...but work has been crazy busy!
Last Thursday we officially launched the "Take the Time" campaign, it was so exciting! Almost all our local media was there to pick up the story, and CTV ran it on both live at five and breakfast television. It certainly was a success! I have been getting an enormous number of calls about CCS Pink Sunday and our new Thingamaboob! It's GREAT! Here is a picture of the Thingamaboob...

It is keychain and also a great teaching tool for breast health. We are selling them as a fundraiser at the Canadian Cancer Society for only $5.

The smallest beads represent the average size lump found by getting regular mammograms.

The third largest bead shows women the average size lump found by their first mammogram.

The second largest bead shows the average size lump found by a clinical breast examination by a healthcare professional.

The largest bead shows the average size lump found by women performing regular breast self-examinations.